Cookies and Privacy Policies

1. Owner Information
2. Cookies
2.1 Declaration of the website's use of cookies
2.2 How long cookies are stored
2.3 How to delete cookies
2.4 How to avoid cookies
2.5 What cookies are used for on our website
2.6 Google Analytics (traffic measurement)
2.7 YouTube (video)
2.8 Lead Score App
3. Use of personal data
3.1 Contact regarding personal data
3.2 Protection of personal data

1. Owner Information
This website is offered by:
Safari Eksperten

Phone: 62 20 25 40

2. Cookies
2.1 Declaration of the website's use of cookies

Purpose of using cookies on the website:

Internal / 1st party cookies

External / 3rd party cookies

Technical functionality



Traffic measurement



Ad execution (frequency, user measurement, etc.)



Behavior-based individually targeted advertising



This website uses cookies according to the above purposes. A cookie is a small text file stored in your browser to recognize your computer on recurring visits. There are no personal details stored in our cookies, and they cannot contain viruses.
2.2 How long cookies are stored
Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit.
2.3 How to delete cookies
See the guide here:
2.4 How to avoid cookies?
If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can block them. See the guide here:
2.5 What cookies are used for on our website
Cookies are used to keep statistics on the number of visitors and information about geography, visited pages. This is partly to customize content and advertising accordingly.
2.6 Google Analytics (traffic measurement)
We use Google Analytics cookies to measure your. These measurements are used to create statistics on the use of the website and to find inconsistencies on the website so that we can improve your experience.
The cookie contains a randomly generated id that is used to recognize your browser when you read a website that uses Google Analytics. The cookie does not contain personal information and is only used for web analysis.
You can opt out of cookies from Google Analytics here:
2.7 YouTube (video material)
We use YouTube ( ) for video clips. YouTube uses cookies to collect data about the number of views. The cookie does not contain personal information.

2.8 Lead Score App
No personal data is stored in the cookie, only an identification of the computer. The cookie does not identify you as a person, only the computer. The cookie is used to collect digital information about the visit to the website. LeadScoreApp uses this information to personalize and target messages on the website, Internet, newsletters, and personal dialogue with the company.
3. Use of personal data
Personal data is never given to third parties unless you expressly consent to it, and we never collect personal data without you providing us with this information through contact form, online order, payment, registration, etc. This includes collecting information about name, address, postal code, email, gender, age, interests, opinions, and knowledge of various topics.
Personal data is used to complete the purchase or service for which the data is collected, e.g., by sending our newsletters, booking travel, and similar. The data is also used to gain greater knowledge of our website users and may be included in surveys and analyses with the aim of improving products, services, and support.
3.1 Contact regarding personal data
If you wish to access the information registered about you, you should contact 62 20 25 40. If incorrect data is registered, or you have other objections, you should contact the same place. You have the opportunity to gain insight into what information is registered about you, and you can object to a registration in accordance with the rules of the Personal Data Act.
3.2 Protection of personal data
According to the Personal Data Act, your personal information must be stored securely and confidentially. We store your personal information on computers with limited access located in controlled facilities, and our security measures are continuously monitored to determine if our user information is handled properly, always considering your rights as a user. However, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security for data transmissions over the Internet. This means that there may be a risk that others will illegally gain access to information when data is sent and stored electronically. You thus provide your personal information at your own risk.
Personal data is deleted or anonymized continuously as the purpose for which it was collected is completed. The rapid development of the Internet means that changes in our processing of personal data may be necessary. We reserve the right to update and change these guidelines for handling personal data. If we do so, we will, of course, correct the date of "last updated" at the bottom of the page. In the event of significant changes, we will notify you in the form of a visible notice on our websites.
To the extent that personal data is processed about you, you have the right under the Personal Data Act to be informed of what personal data can be attributed to you. If it turns out that the information or data processed about you is incorrect or misleading, you have the right to demand these corrected, deleted, or blocked. You can object at any time to information about you being subject to processing. You can also revoke your consent at any time. You have the opportunity to complain about the processing of information and data related to you. Complaints are submitted to the Data Protection Agency, cf. section 58, subsection 1 of the Personal Data Act.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are necessary for the vast majority of websites to function properly. They ensure, for example, that you are not constantly dropped from the website you are visiting.

Technical cookies are necessary and are always enabled.


appCurrentDomainId - 1 år

Gemmer id'en på nuværende domæne, som bliver brugt til at styre sproget

fixednewsletter -

TravelVisitedProducts -

vmcms - Slettes når browseren lukkes

Hjemmesiden bruger denne cookie til at identificere den besøgende, på tværs af sider, under besøget.

logged-in - 1 week

Checks if a user has been logged in


lastHash - 1 dag

Gemmer den sidste hash værdi i urlen


viewedOuibounceModal - efter session

brugt til at huske hvis der er blevet vist en ekstra hjælpe besked

Cookie settings

vm-gdpr - 1 måned

Bruges til at huske de valg der tages under Cookie-Indstillinger.

vm-gdpr-accept - 1 måned

Angiver om cookie-indstillinger er blevet gennemgået / accepteret.


Statistical cookies

Statistical cookies help developers optimize the website by collecting information about which pages are most popular and which pages do not seem to appeal to users. This allows the website and its usability to be improved.

Statistical cookies are also used to collect general visit statistics through simple counting.

They usually have little or no impact on your privacy, as they do not record what is searched for on other websites.

Google Analytics

_ga - 2 år

Denne cookie fra Google bruges til overvågning af trafik på vores hjemmeside og sporing af hver besøgendes antal besøg, tidspunktet for det første besøg, tidligere besøg og det aktuelle besøg.

_ga_* - 1 år

Bliver brugt til at optælle og gemme antallet af sidevisninger


Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies are used for commercial purposes to target ads to you.

They collect information about your movements on individual websites, thereby forming an overview of interests, habits, and activities that can be used to display relevant ads.


__lsanno - 5 timer.

Kan oprettes ved interaktion med virksomhedens online markedsføring. Denne cookie bruges til at identificere nyhedsbrevsmodtagere for at kunne sende mere relevante nyhedsbreve og markedsføring.

__lsv - 5 min.

Bruges for at adskille besøgende.


__lvisit - Slettes automatisk efter 5 timer

Kan oprettes ved interaktion med virksomhedens online markedsføring. Perioden forlænges ved hvert genbesøg.


_fbp - 90 days

Used to distinguish and keep track of your unique users


_omappvp - 11 år

OptinMonster bruger denne cookie til at se om brugeren har besøgt hjemmesiden før.

_omappvs - Slettes når browseren lukkes

OptinMonster bruger denne cookie til at se om brugeren har besøgt hjemmesiden før i sessionen.

Bing Ads

_uetsid - Session

Denne cookie sættes af Bing. Formål er at spore konverteringer på tværs af hjemmesiden.


_uetvid - 13 måneder

Bruges til at tracke og gemme besøg på tværs af websider


_gcl_au - 3 måneder

Formålet med denne cookie er at optimere funktionaliteten på hjemmesiden


Personalized cookies

Personalized cookies collect information about your movements on the website and can help suggest other pages, news, or products for you, based on the things you have shown interest in.

Personalized cookies are not used for marketing elsewhere on the web.

This website does not use any cookies in this category


Cookie settings